
Weddings at Trinity
Congratulations and best wishes on your forthcoming marriage. You have made one of the greatest decisions which life asks any of us to make. Our prayer is that you will find your vocation in marriage to be a life journey of personal completion, satisfaction and fulfillment.
As a parish family, Trinity wants your wedding service to be excellent in every possible respect. There are many different ways and methods which can be adapted to your circumstances, but various weddings have taught us certain things work better than others. It is our wish to plan a celebration that is meaningful, personal and fully conveys the love of Christ for the wedding couple and all who are present to support you in your new life together.
The usual wedding service at Trinity is based on the choices found in The Book of Common Prayer, 1979 edition. The celebration of the Holy Eucharist is a normal part of the wedding ceremony at Trinity. This great sacrament of unity is the foundation of a Christian life. It is also significant, and an excellent start, that the first food that the new husband and wife share together is the Body and Blood of Christ.
In accordance with the tradition of the Episcopal Church, Trinity does not perform weddings during the seasons of Lent (Ash Wednesday through Easter Day) and Advent (the First Sunday of Advent through Christmas Day). For various practical reasons, including clergy and staff availability, weddings are also not performed at the church on National Holiday Weekends.
Please contact the church office ([email protected]) with any questions and for a copy of the customary for more details.